Home > 9th BRICS Summit

Leaders feted with musical treat

By Zhao Xinying in Xiamen ( China Daily )

Updated: 2017-09-05

Minnan Grand Theater in Xiamen welcomed a group of special guests on Monday night.

Leaders of BRICS countries and their spouses, as well as leaders from other developing countries, arrived to enjoy an hourlong visual and aural celebration at the invitation of President Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan.

It took about half a year for more than 1,000 artists, performers and supporting staff to design, prepare and rehearse the gala, said Xie Nan, chief director of the show.

Music was provided by performers from the China National Symphony Orchestra.

Leaders feted with musical treat

The piano was employed to "converse" with the other instruments, a tribute to the status of Xiamen's Gulangyu Island as a "piano island". The instrument's popularity there is a legacy of its international history.

While the "musical conversations" went on, beautiful images from the countries whose leaders attended the summit were showcased on the large screens on the stage.

"We believed this would arouse the guests' memories, love for and pride in their homes and also create a feeling of longing and peace among the audience," Xie said.

Other highlights of the one-hour show, he added, included the performance of children's folk rhymes from Fujian province, a performance of a traditional wedding of the She ethnic group, and dancing by Hui'an women, who live in Hui'an county in the provincial city of Quanzhou and who are famous for their beautiful clothes and industrious spirit.

Xie took particular pride in the combination of symphonic music and Nanyin, a music and performance art based on the culture of southern Fujian province.

With a history of over 1,000 years, Nanyin, which has its roots in Quanzhou, has been called a "living fossil" from China's musical history. It is performed using the Minnan language of southern Fujian.

"Such a combination has brought the local culture of Fujian to a bigger stage and enriches it. It's really a great fulfillment for me to see that the local culture was so well received by audience members from different countries," said Xie, a Fujian native.


(China Daily 09/05/2017 page3)

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