Home > 9th BRICS Summit

New era of vision emerges on center stage

( China Daily )

Updated: 2017-09-05

Meeting sees BRICS usher in an innovative and connected approach to tackle global problems as summit sets goals and targets that will shape the future for the betterment of mankind and write a new chapter in international development

 New era of vision emerges on center stage

President Xi Jinping and other leaders of BRICS countries attend the dialogue with the BRICS Business Council in Xiamen, Fujian province, on Monday.Feng Yongbin / China Daily

 New era of vision emerges on center stage

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi (center) enters the venue of the BRICS Business Forum in Xiamen on Monday.Wang Dongming / China News Service

 New era of vision emerges on center stage

Guests applaud at the opening of the BRICS Business Forum on Monday.Ju Peng / Xinhua

 New era of vision emerges on center stage

Reporters learn about the tea culture of Fujian province at the summit's media center on Sunday.Wu Zhiyi / China Daily

 New era of vision emerges on center stage

A foreign reporter records video at the media center on Sunday.Wang Dongming / China News Service

 New era of vision emerges on center stage

A discussion is underway at the BRICS Business Forum on Sunday.Feng Yongbin / China Daily

 New era of vision emerges on center stage

Reporters browse through the books and other materials on display in the media center of the BRICS Summit on Sunday.Wu Zhiyi / China Daily

(China Daily 09/05/2017 page8)

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