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Fujian polluters start to pay environmental tax

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-04-02

Xiao said last year, the company phased out the energy-consuming and pollution-extensive skein dyeing workshop and expanded the cone dyeing output.

"We paid a 17,000 yuan pollution discharge fee in the first quarter of 2017, while the environmental protection tax we paid for the first quarter of this year was 12,000 yuan," said Xiao.

The tax saved is only part of a big picture. According to Xiao, the technological upgrading also helped cut the cost of the company's natural gas consumption from 800,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan per month, and their water cost was reduced by half.

Fujian polluters start to pay environmental tax

Ke shows the environmental protection tax receipt. [Photo/Chinanews.com]

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