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Fifth World Buddhist Forum to open in Fujian

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-04-09

The Fifth World Buddhist Forum is scheduled to be in the coastal city of Putian in East China's Fujian province on Oct 28-30.

Roughly 800 people, including Chinese and overseas Buddhists, scholars and journalists, will attend the event, the organizers announced at a press conference in Beijing on April 8.

The forum shall emphasize the positive roles of religious people in economic and social development, the Belt and Road Initiative and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, according to Chen Zongrong, vice chairman of the China Religious Culture Communication Association.

This year's event will comprise a main forum and ten sub-forums, covering topics including Buddhism and marine silk road, Buddhism and environmental protection, Buddhism and a community with a share future for mankind, introduced Master Yanjue, vice president of the Buddhist Association of China.

Jointly proposed by Buddhist communities in Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao in 2005, the World Buddhist Forum was established as a platform for Buddhists to communicate and cooperate.

Fifth World Buddhist Forum to open in Fujian

The press conference of the Fifth World Buddhist Forum is held in Beijing on April 8. [Photo/Chinanews.com]

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