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Top political advisor reiterates 1992 Consensus at cross-Straits forum

( Xinhua )

Updated: 2018-06-11

XIAMEN -- Wang Yang, top political advisor and a senior Party official, stressed the 1992 Consensus at the opening ceremony of the 10th Straits Forum in Xiamen in East China's Fujian Province Wednesday.

The 1992 Consensus, which embodies the one-China principle, remains the foundation and condition for exchanges between the mainland and the authority and political parties in Taiwan, said Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, when addressing the opening ceremony.

Taiwan-based political parties and organizations will not encounter any barriers in the exchanges with the mainland as long as they uphold the consensus, Wang said.

"Taiwan independence" separatist forces and their activities are the biggest threat to cross-Straits peace and stability, since they undermine the national sovereignty and territorial integrity and instigate hostility and confrontation among compatriots from across the straits, he said.

Wang pledged that the mainland will implement policies to boost cross-Straits economic and cultural cooperation and ensure Taiwan enterprises enjoy equal treatment as their mainland counterparts.

Welcoming more cross-Straits exchanges, he said that the mainland will provide more employment and business opportunities for ordinary Taiwan residents, particularly young people.

The more severe the cross-Straits situation is, the more faith people from the two sides should have and the more effort they should make to fend off obstruction, said Hau Lung-bin, vice chairman of the Kuomintang Party, who is here to attend the forum.

By upholding the 1992 Consensus and opposing "Taiwan independence," people from the two sides should engage in closer economic cooperation and cultural exchanges and nurture a deeper bond of kinship, Hau said.

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