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'We-media' platforms describe rapid growth at Xiamen trade expo

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-09-10

Cao Yue, president of Partner Capital Group, said that We-media operators should ask for help from professional financial advisors, who will choose suitable investment institutions and business partners.

Gao Hongqing, CEO and managing partner of New Margin Capital Co, said that personalization and high-quality content are the key to a valuable We-media, which should consistently produce high-quality content through continuous learning.

Huang Yantao, executive director of SAIF Partners, said We-media should focus on integrating online and offline channels to improve effective average revenue per user.

The operators of Wemedia said the expo helps them find more products that fit the tone of their platforms and get in touch with new sales channels for their products.


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