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Governments in East China province urged to work out measures to consolidate reform, opening-up

By Zhao Shijun ( China Daily )

Updated: 2018-10-08

Fujian should consolidate its recent achievements and continue to deepen its reform and openingup initiatives in the years to come, according to a provincial Party committee conference held in July.

Guiding documents for reform and opening-up were released during the July 9 meeting, which was presided over by Yu Weiguo, Fujian Party chief .

The documents covered such areas as healthcare, safe urban development, environmental protection, entrepreneurship, affairs relating to Taiwan and justice.

During the meeting, delegates agreed that the local Party and government officials should stick to the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping to ensure that all the reform-related plans and measures proposed by the central authorities can be successfully implemented in Fujian.

The delegates proposed a number of implementation measures to guide local reforms and opening-up.

In the area of healthcare, the delegates agreed that the local government should work out further measures to expand the coverage of healthcare insurance and push forward the reform of medical institutions. The reform's main aim is to improve quality of medical care while lowering costs and helping patients get easier access to medical services.

They noted that local medical and medical equipment enterprises can offer higher-quality products and services for Fujian's residents through industrial upgrading and technological innovations.

For urban development, the delegates suggested a comprehensive and coordinated regulatory system be established to ensure efficient urban management featuring the sharing of resources and the extensive participation of residents.

For environmental protection, the delegates emphasized the establishment of an environmental monitoring system based on comprehensive, accurate and authentic statistics. They demanded more severe punishment for falsifying in statistics.

To encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, the delegates insisted that local governments in Fujian create a beneficial business environment for companies, whether they are State-owned, privately owned or foreign-funded. They said all market players should be able to operate on a level playing field, under the rule of law, while their intellectual property rights are protected.

The delegates asked the local government to take advantage of the pilot role of Fujian in many areas of reform and opening-up that have already been recognized by the central authorities, and the preferential policies approved by the central government to boost local growth.

Other regions in the country, delegates said, can learn from Fujian's exemplary efforts in building the economic zone on the West coast of the Taiwan Straits for closer cross-Straits cooperation and developing the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone for greater facilitation of international trade and investment.

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