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Provincial military commander visits Pingtan

By Gai Shuqin ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2012-12-07

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Wang Qingguang, provincial military commander, visited Pingtan on Dec 3 and 4 to investigate the pilot zone's opening-up and development.

The visit was accompanied by Gong Qinggai, secretary of the Party working committee of the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone and director of Pingtan's administration committee.

Wang spoke highly of Pingtan's "green project", which was put into practice two years ago. Since 2010, as many as 10 million trees have been planted yearly in a push to enhance Pingtan's ecological civilization.

At the Tanxi Road pipeline construction site, Wang listened to an introduction of the initial planning, function and layout of the project. He supported Pingtan's advanced planning and construction processes.

Wang also visited Pingtan's land reclamation project, Ruyi real estate town, and Longfengtou beach resort projects.

Wang noted that great changes have taken place in the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone since its establishment two years ago. He witnessed the zone's planning and construction momentum during his two-day visit.

He also proposed requirements on the work of local armed forces. He urged the armed forces to support and service Pingtan's opening-up and development in order to make greater contributions to cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Michael Thai