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Experts urge mainland, Taiwan to enhance common sense of identity

( Xinhua )

Updated: 2012-12-12

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Experts from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan called on both sides across the Taiwan Straits to enhance a common sense of identity and mutual trust at a forum that concluded on Tuesday.

Organized by major think tanks from the two sides, the two-day Taipei Forum was attended by about 200 experts and scholars.

Sun Yafu, director of mainland-based Research Center of Cross-Straits Relations, called for efforts to enhance the common sense of national identity in economy, culture, common homeland and the Chinese nation itself, so that compatriots across the Strait understand and support each other in the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties.

Both sides share common viewpoints about the proposition of one-China in terms of China's territory and sovereignty, which is the most fundamental basis for stability and development in cross-Straits ties, Sun added.

Yu Xintian, head of the Shanghai-based Taiwan Research Institute, said the principal position of the Chinese culture in Taiwan should not be denied with the excuse of "cultural diversity," adding that people from the two sides should strengthen the positive collective memory and get rid of misconceptions.

Chairman of Taiwan's 21st Century Foundation Kao Yu-jen said that the two sides should strengthen sense of identity and mutual trust with the common historical perception of the Chinese nation in the last century, establish a cross-Straits peaceful development committee at an early date, and work for a cross-Straits peace agreement.

Zhao Chun-shan, a professor from Taipei-based Tamkang University, called for strengthened sense of cultural and national identities, urging the two sides to make reasonable arrangements under the current special condition.

The experts have also discussed issues on boosting political mutual trust to create conditions for political dialogue and negotiation.