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Pingtan, Taiwan seeks construction of cross-Straits natural gas pipeline

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-03-18

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Heads of energy companies in Taiwan and the Chinese mainland gathered in the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone (PCPZ) on March 6 to discuss the possibility of building a cross-Straits natural gas pipeline linking Pingtan and Miaoli county in Taiwan.

Pingtan is the closest place on the Chinese mainland to Taiwan. Miaoli county is situated in the mid-northern part of Taiwan.

The visiting guests included Lin Po-shih, director of Cross-Strait Energy Ltd Co and Taiwan Glass Group, and director of the Straits Exchange Foundation; Wei Botao, president of Cross-Strait Energy and PetroChina Haixia Ltd Co; and Wang Guangsheng, general manager of the Fujian branch of PetroChina.

The central government has rolled out a number of preferential policies in Pingtan, which is the mainland's first pilot zone opening up to Taiwan, in a bid to build Pingtan into a "Common Homeland," said Li Dejin, director of the PCPZ's administrative committee.

Li added that he hoped the guests could find collaboration opportunities during their inspection in Pingtan, which expects to join hands with Cross-Straits Energy in cross-Straits exchange and communications. Pingtan will do its best to facilitate the development of all enterprises in the area.

Both Lin and Wei expressed their strong desire to cooperate with Pingtan.

Taiwan Glass Group has been contributing to cross-Straits relations. It looks forward to building a natural gas pipeline connecting Pingtan and Miaoli, said Lin.

Taiwan is short on energy. The natural gas pipeline, if built, will provide a channel for various energies and will definitely consolidate the flourishing cross-Straits ties, said Wei.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Michael Thai