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Business incubator opens in Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-08-26

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The Taiwan Business Incubator was officially inaugurated in the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone (PCPZ) in Fujian province on Aug 15, local news portal ptnet.cn reported.

Business incubator opens in Pingtan

A road show for investment and entrepreneurship at the Taiwan Business Incubator in Pingtan, Fujian province, Aug 15. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

Senior Fujian officials, including Party Secretary You Quan and Fujian Governor Su Shulin visited the incubator and learned about its development.

The incubator focuses on online commerce, culture, software development and other technologies, with incentives and preferential policies for entrepreneurs, especially young professionals from Taiwan.

A total of 378 projects, owned by companies, self-employed, colleges and social organizations from Taiwan, have signed up to settle in the incubator situated in the Jinjing Bay district.

There is a 10,000-sq-m public space , large enough to hold more than 200 entrepreneurship associations.

Nineteen companies engaged in cross-border e-commerce have begun work at the incubator. Catering service is available, too.

Ding Ruiwu, founder of the Cross-Straits Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base at the incubator, said the base is an open office place with a low threshold for fledging entrepreneurs, who can settle in after registration.

Businesses range from e-commerce to cultural creativity, logistics, trading, education training and new energy, according to Ding.

“The base will increase communication between young people from both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and also draw useful experience from Taiwan professionals who are considered more prone to innovative ideas in general,” he said.

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