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Massive physical checkup on kids in Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-09-16

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An estimated 3,000 toddlers will go through a regular physical checkup before entering kindergarten, local news portal ptnet.cn reported.

The large-scale examination is taking place at a local children’s hospital. As of Aug 25, about 800 kids have finished the session which includes height, weight, nutrition condition, hearing and blood tests.

To guarantee the effectiveness of the checkup, the hospital only takes in about 240 children every day. The examination will last till Sept 30, said Gao Fa, president of the hospital.

“A normalized physical checkup on preschoolers will help prevent childhood diseases and assess their health conditions from a scientific angle,” he said.

Massive physical checkup on kids in Pingtan
A child takes a blood test during a physical checkup at a hospital in Pingtan, Fujian province, Aug 24. [Photo/ptnetn.cn]