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Pingtan seniors get care

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-10-21

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Pingtan treated its seniors to good care on Oct 20, one day before the traditional Double Ninth Festival, according to ptnet.cn.

Li Dejin, leader of the Pingtan Party Work Committee, visited three centenarians at Yantian village in Zhonglou township on Tuesday. He greeted them and wished them health and longevity.

Pingtan seniors get care
Soldiers trim hair for old people at a nursing home in Pingtan, Fujian province, Oct 19. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

Li also called on society to show respect for old people and make greater efforts to provide them a comfortable and happy life .

Liushui town staged a gala for seniors on Tuesday afternoon, and handed out food symbolizing longevity to six people above 90.

“We hope to honor seniors through the campaign and hope people will pay more visits to their parents.”

A similar ceremony took place at the Honglian neighborhood in Tancheng town. More than 300 old people gathered and watched spectacular art performances.

“We hope to bring joy and warmth to old people through the event,” said Chen Binghua, head of a local office for education of retired people.

Navy soldiers visited a nursing home in Su’ao town on Monday and celebrated Double Ninth Festival with over 100 old people there.

Soldiers sang songs, mended pipes and windows, trimmed hair and cleaned up for the seniors.