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China Construction Bank offers better financial services to Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-12-02

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In a bid to offer better services to the zone, the China Construction Bank (CCB) upgraded its branch in the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, Fujian province on Dec 1, ptnet.cn reported.

The China Construction Bank's Pingtan branch has provided strong support to the zone's infrastructure construction and major projects over the past years by launching a special fund for Pingtan's construction. It helped promote the county's economic and social prosperity and development.

The leader of the bank said that the branch planned to help Pingtan enhance cross-Straits financial cooperation in currency clearing, offshore financing and cross-border settlement so as to promote its further development.

The CCB is one of the country's "big four" state-owned banks. The other three are the Bank of China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and the Agricultural Bank of China. The CCB is now the second largest bank in China by market capitalization, with more than 13,000 domestic branches.