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Pingtan to get a new cultural and tourism landmark

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-12-24

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Pingtan to get a new cultural and tourism landmark

Rendering of the northwest side of the science and culture center in Pingtan, Fujian province. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

With a view to improve its cultural facilities and create a better cultural environment for local residents, Pingtan, Fujian province recently planned to build a science and culture center near Zhuyu Lake in its Lancheng district, local news portal ptnet.cn reported on Dec 21.

The center has been designed to be multifunctional with an integration of a science museum, a sports center, a culture museum, an art gallery, a youth center and other areas. It aims to be an ideal place for local people to take part in cultural and scientific activities.

With a total investment of 1 billion yuan ($154.4 million), the project covers a floor area of 25,000 square meters.

Pingtan to get a new cultural and tourism landmark

Rendering of a garden in the air at the top of the science and culture center in Pingtan, Fujian province. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

To reach a goal of becoming a cultural and tourism landmark, the architecture design of the center is quite catchy, with roof greening and a garden in the air as its highlights. The buildings will be all white and in streamline shape.

The officials explained that they want to turn the new center into a must-see tourist site by integrating the buildings with surrounding scenery, due to its location near Zhuyu Lake, a park with beautiful natural landscape.

According to local officials, the project is in the planning stage and is expected to start construction by early 2016.

Once completed, the center will not only enrich local residents' cultural lives, but also help promote the county’s international tourist island construction, added the officials.