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Peacemakers spread in West Lake District

2009-August-21 11:25:35

After the founding announcement of Peacemaker Association on July 30, around 100 selected peacemakers embark on their trip in Xixi and Beishan community.

Peacemaker in Chinese is called “He Shi Lao” who smoothen the relationship between fights and disputes.

The organizing work for Peacemaker Association started in early July in West Lake District, while Xixi and Beishan community proceeded with publicity work immediately. Association members are selected from respective volunteers and recommended persons who are familiar with laws and regulations and self-devoted to public affairs.

Taking advantage of their understanding in local people and conflicts as well as their knowledge in laws and regulations, peacemakers carry out personal visits, give consulting advice and persuasive negotiation to the needy, aiming to mediate local disputes before conflicts get worse.

The establishment of the Peacemaker Association has received financial support up to RMB 352,000.00 from district committee and government as a starting fund. According to latest news, over 90 villages and communities affiliated to 8 towns have set up Peacemaker Association with more than 300 members.

Editor: Liu Fang


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