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"Green" is hot topic for politicians

2010-February-5 17:49:56

Both representatives from Shangcheng district, Mr Li Guoping and Mrs Zhu Lanjuan, chose to ride public bicycles home after they took part in the Fourth Session of the ninth Hangzhou People's Political Consultative Conference and the Fifth Session of the eleventh Hangzhou People's Congress.

Mr Li Guoping and Mrs Zhu Lanjuan, chose to ride public bicycles home after they took part in the Fourth Session of the ninth Hangzhou People's Political Consultative Conference and the Fifth Session of the eleventh Hangzhou People's Congress.

The hottest issues talked about in the sessions were global climate change and low carbon emission. As pro-active environmentalists, many representatives ride bicycles or take buses to the meeting hall. Some even take their own cup with them to avoid using dispensable paper cups that may not dissolve in decades.

Twenty-eight of the 400 proposals made by the members have been about low carbon emissions. Three representatives proposed more video meetings to discuss energy-saving solutions.

Electronic manufacturing is a major industry in Hangzhou. As Hangzhou vows to build a low-carbon emission city, a lot of innovating energy-saving and environment-friendly electronic devices have hit the market recently. A delegation from Jiande prepared an economic electric socket carrier that automatically cuts off electricity when electric appliances are turned off but still pluggedin as gifts for representatives.

By Li Hui

Editor: Lency


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