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Chinese Premier stresses cool heads needed in face of complicated situation

2010-July-6 14:43:53

Chinese Premier stresses cool heads needed in face of complicated situation

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (C) visits staff members of e-commerce company Alibaba in east China's Zhejiang Province June 25, 2010. Wen made an inspection tour in Zhejiang from June 25 to June 26. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)

The Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has warned local authorities to keep a sober mind in the face of the complicated economic situation, even though the economic recovery has strengthened over the last six months.

Wen made the remarks during his two-day visit to Hangzhou, the capital city of east China's Zhejiang Province, which concluded on Saturday.

He asked local officials to step up efforts to a keep close watch on the economy's development and find new problems quickly.

During discussions with local authorities of the eastern provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and the Shanghai municipality, Wen said the Yangtze River Delta, where the three regions are situated, should take the lead in choosing a development path featuring scientific nature, harmony, and integration.

"The Yangtze River Delta holds an important position in the country's national economy, it is necessary for the delta to strive to foster new edges and score breakthroughs in order to make new, greater contributions to the country's economic and social progress," said Wen.

While urging efforts in fully implementing the legions of measures and policies worked out by the central government to step up and improve macro control and in advancing good and fast growth in economic and social development, Wen reiterated that the Yangtze River Delta should also work harder to speed up transfer in the mode for economic development.

He also asked Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai to seize favorable chances brought along by the recent approval of the State Council, China's Cabinet,regarding the regional development blueprint calculated to bolster growth of the Yangtze River Delta in the forthcoming five years, and concentrate efforts on improving industrial structure and advancing integration in constructing major infrastructure projects, so as to expediate formation of an effective system for sustainable development.

Wen stressed that it was imperative for local governments to work out effective measures to promote harmony between workers and businesses amid rising calls for wage increases.

During his inspection to a local garment-making factory in Hangzhou, Wen encouraged the enterprise administrators to promote innovation and cut costs to make the products more competitive in more markets.

When he visited Alibaba.com, a leading Chinese E-commerce company also based in Hangzhou, Wen emphasized integrity should always be the basis of business activity.

Source: Xinhua


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