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University students make green pledge

2010-September-2 10:15:19

University students make green pledge

A student shows off a notebook made from recyclable paper

Students from Zhejiang University made a pledge on August 31 at the World Expo to adopt a low-carbon lifestyle and influence others with their eco-friendly habits.

They made the statement at the Hangzhou Pavilion in the Urban Best Practices Area and their initiative was backed by 125 pavilions at the Expo, including the UN Pavilion, France Pavilion, Germany Pavilion and Greece Pavilion.

The students also invited other Expo visitors to sign their statement and demonstrated their products made from recyclable materials.

They also inquired about the Expo chairs made from recycled milk containers and those hybrid and battery-electric vehicles running at the Expo site. They will present their findings in articles and photos.

Editor: Xie Fang

Source: expo2010.cn


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