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"Harmonious City, Livable Life" theme forum to be held in Hangzhou

2010-September-27 17:01:29

The seventh Shanghai Expo theme forum, themed “Harmonious City, Livable Life”, will be held in Hangzhou from Oct 6 to Oct 7.

This theme forum is expected to include an opening ceremony, a round-table meeting, six lectures and a final sitting. Thus far, about 60 delegates from the government departments and the international organizations from over 10 nations have confirmed to attend the forum.

This theme forum aims to promote the concepts of harmony and livability and develop Hangzhou into an “Oriental Leisure City” and “Life Quality City”, said Ye Min, deputy secretary-general of Hangzhou government. Hangzhou can also seize this opportunity to improve its international popularity and influence.

This forum is jointly organized by MOHURD (Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of People’s Republic of China), 2010 Shanghai Expo Executive Committee, UN HABITAT and Hangzhou People’s Government.

By Wang Gongyuan


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