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Vice Minister of Commerce of China visited Huaqiao International Service Business Park

Vice Minister of Commerce of China visited Huaqiao International Service Business Park

At China Data Group, Ma Xiuhong was enthusiastic about the workflow of the company, and encouraged it to expand to service outsourcing business with high added-values. She also showed concerned about the problems the company has met. With regard to the protective tariff policy, Ms Ma said the Ministry of Commerce has encouraged foreign investment to flow to the service outsourcing company. She hoped that those companies could grasp the opportunity, expand the investment and make the service outsourcing industry bigger and stronger.

Vice Minister of Commerce of China visited Huaqiao International Service Business Park

In the NSK research centre, Ms Ma was briefed that since the project started last year, the main construction has basically been completed and expected to put into use in October 2009. The manager of the NSK research centre reported to Ms Ma that the number of the research staff will reach 500, with profit rising to 10 billion yuan. Hearing this, Ms Ma commented that, with its solid manufacturing foundation, Kunshan was fully capable of introducing high-level research centres and quickening the pace of upgrading its industrial structure.

Vice Minister of Commerce of China visited Huaqiao International Service Business Park

After visiting Finance BPO Base, China International Purchase Center (CIPC) and Anbow Suzhou Training Center, Ma Xiuhong thought relying on its unique advantageous location and strong manufacture prowess, the prospect of Kunshan for development of the service outsourcing business is quite broad.

Vice Minister of Commerce of China visited Huaqiao International Service Business Park

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