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Shanghai government tops revenue rankings

The government of Shanghai is "the most wealthy" city government in China, according to a recent ranking of revenues.

According to a list published by the China Investment Network, the 10 Chinese cities with the largest government revenue are: Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Hangzhou and Chengdu.

Cities located in the Pearl-River Delta, the Yangtze-River Delta and the Bohai economic rim rank particularly high on the list. But some smaller cities are also included, thanks to distinctive economic patterns.

For example, Huai'an city in Jiangsu province, a formerly unsung region, has become the fourth biggest mainland investment destination for Taiwan businessmen, after Shenzhen, Dongguan and Kunshan near Shanghai.

Huai'an has built its industrial strength around the manufacturing of special steel, electronics, information technology, and new chemical materials.

Government revenues come mainly from taxation, and are primarily used for safeguarding and improving people's livelihood, maintaining the normal operation of government functions and ensuring public safety.

Experts said the amount of revenue a city government collects often reflects the development level of the local economy, but the different administrative levels of cities can also be a major factor.




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