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Foreign Trade Law of PRC

( cnhubei.com )

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Chapter 7 Foreign Trade Investigation

Article 37 In order to maintain the foreign trade order, the authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council may carry out investigations on the following matters in accordance with laws and administrative regulations at its disposal or in conjunction with other relevant administrations:

(1) the impact on the domestic industry as well as the competitive strengths of import and export of goods, import and export of technologies and international trade in services;

(2) trade barriers of relevant countries or regions;

(3) matters needed to be investigated on in order to determine whether such foreign trade remedies as anti-dumping, countervailing or safeguard measures shall be taken;

(4) activities that circumvent foreign trade remedies;

(5) matters in relation to state security in foreign trade;

(6) matters needed to be investigated on in order to enforce the provisions of Articles 7, 29(2),30,31,32(3) and 33(3).

(7) Other matters which may have impact on foreign trade order and need to be investigated on.

Article 38 The authority responsible for foreign trade shall give a notice in case of initiating foreign trade investigations. The investigation may take the form of questionnaires in writing, hearings, on-the-spot investigations, entrusted investigations and otherwise. The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council shall, on the basis of the findings, submit investigation reports or make determinations and give public notices.

Article 39 Relevant units and individuals shall provide the foreign trade investigation with cooperation and assistance. The authority in charge of foreign trade and other authorities under the State Council as well as their staff members shall have the obligation to keep the state secrets and business secrets known to them confidential during foreign trade investigations.

Chapter 8 Foreign Trade Remedies

Article 40 The State may take appropriate foreign trade remedies on the basis of the findings of foreign trade investigation.

Article 41 Where a product from other countries or regions is dumped into the domestic market at a price less than its normal value and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause material injury to the established domestic industries, or materially retards the establishment of domestic industries, the State may take anti-dumping measures to eliminate or mitigate such injury, threat of injury or retardation.

Article 42 Where the export of a product from other countries or regions to the market of a third country causes or threatens to cause material injury to the established domestic industries, or materially retards the establishment of domestic industries, the authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council may, on the request of the domestic industries, carry out consultations with the government of that third country and require it to take appropriate measures.

Article 43 Where an imported product has directly or indirectly accepts any specific subsidiary granted by the exporting country or region and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause material injury to the established domestic industries, or materially retards the establishment of related domestic industries, the State may take countervailing measures to eliminate or mitigate such injury or threat of injury or retardation.

Article 44 Where a product is being imported in substantially increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause serious injury to the domestic industry that produces like or directly competitive products, the State may take safeguard measures as necessary to eliminate or mitigate such injury or threat of injury and provide the industry concerned with necessary support.

Article 45 Where the increase of services provided to China by the service suppliers from other countries or regions causes or threatens to cause injury to the domestic industries that provide like or directly competitive services, the State may take remedies as necessary to eliminate or mitigate such injury or threat of injury and provide such industry with necessary support.

Article 46 Where the restriction imposed by a third country on the import of a certain product causes the increase in quantities of such product imported into the domestic market and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause injury to the established domestic industry, or materially retards the establishment of related domestic industries, the state may take remedies as necessary to restrict the import of the product concerned.

Article 47 Where any country or region that enters into or participate in the economic and trade treaties or agreements with the People's Republic of China deprives the People's Republic of China of or impairs her interests under such treaties or agreements, or hinders realization of the object of such treaties or agreements, the People's Republic of China has the right to request the relevant country or region to take appropriate remedies and has the right to suspend or terminate its performance of relevant obligations in compliance with relevant treaties and agreements.

Article 48 The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council shall carry out bilateral or multilateral foreign trade consultations, negotiations and settle disputes in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws.

Article 49 The authority responsible for foreign trade under the State Council and the other relevant authorities under the State Council shall establish the pre-warning and emergency system for import and export of goods, import and export of technologies and international trade in services so as to cope with the unexpected and unusual situations in foreign trade for the purpose of safeguarding the economic security of the State.

Article 50 The State may take necessary anti-circumvention measures against the activities circumventing the foreign trade remedies provided under this Law.

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