
Tourism pays off during May Day holiday

Updated: 2017-05-09

Jinxiu Jiangnan Modern Farm's parent-child activities attracted 15,000 people. Piaofeng village, another modern farm in Kaihui town, held a family adventure activity.

Sanzhen Tiger Zoo in Jinjing town held a photography competition, drawing in 25,000 keen snappers and earning the zoo 800,000 yuan over the three days.

Tourism pays off during May Day holiday

Photographers snap tigers at Sanzhen Tiger Zoo in Jinjing town, Changsha county. [Photo/Hunan Daily]

Red tourism that highlights revolutionary figures born in Changsha county was also popular. Huang Xing Memorial Hall received 12,000 visitors and Yang Kaihui Memorial Hall drew in 345,000, with a year-on-year growth of 31 percent.

Tourism pays off during May Day holiday

Parents and children take part in an adventure game in Kaihui town, Changsha county. [Photo/Hunan Daily]



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