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China Education Exhibition opens in Mongolia


Updated: 2013-06-01

ULAN BATOR - The China Education Exhibition opened here Friday to attract more Mongolian students to China.

Teachers from Zhejiang University, Heilongjiang University and 10 other Chinese universities briefed Mongolian parents face-to-face on their respective core disciplines.

The two-day event was organized by the China Education Center, which is in partnership with more than 80 universities and colleges in China.

"In recent years, more and more Mongolian students have voiced their willingness to study in China," said Cheng Long, director of the China Education Center.

"The exhibition is to be held here every year in the hope that a bridge will be built between Mongolian students and Chinese universities and colleges," he said.

Project demonstrates success in Inner Mongolia

Journalists from 58 web media companies around China visited Inner Mongolian villages between July 3 and July 8 to learn about the effect the “Ten Coverages” project has had after two years of implementation.

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