A man and his precious stones
2016-01-20At a time when many people are saving every penny they can to buy a new car or a bigger house, one man in Jilin province has been looking everywhere and blowing every penny he ever saved on a collection of carved stones.
NE China police sticks to the job on a freezing cold day
2016-01-20It was -20 C in the city of Changchun, Jilin province, Deng Tianzuo was starting the workday at an intersection.
New rice from NE China enters the Beijing market
2016-01-18Some new rice from the city of Jilin has entered Beijing as of Jan 18 and is available in more than 100 supermarkets and 1,500 smaller shops, and is getting a good reaction from local customers.
NE Chinese child wants to auction his paintings off for charity
2016-01-18When asked by this reporter what his goal was, 8-year-old Ma Maoxuan, a primary school student in the city of Yanji, Jilin province, answers determinedly.
NE China police officers finds himself a celebrated online author
2016-01-14Bo Long a senior police officer in the city of Ji'an, in northeast China's Jilin province really didn't expect to become a writer, nor did he expect to get his online posts published, and not to publish a second book.
China monitors radiation in wake of Pyongyang's nuclear test
2016-01-12Technical personnel from China's Ministry of Environmental Protection monitor radiation indexes in the border area of Northeast Jilin province.