Birthday celebration for NE China Party committee
2015-07-01Bayinchaolu, Jilin Party leader, visits local Party members in Changchun, Jilin, on June 30, to celebrate 94th birthday of the Party.
Lilies blossom in Jilin
2015-07-01Early in July, thousands of lilies have been flourishing in Changchun Park in the city of Changchun, Jilin province.
American girl takes to NE China
2015-06-30Danielle, from the US state of New Jersey, came to Changchun city, Jilin province, in August 2014 as an English teacher in Jilin University.
Jilin sends more medical workers to combat Ebola in Sierra Leone
2015-06-29Jilin sends specialists of the Jilin Center for Disease Control and Prevention, who flew from the capital city to Beijing, on June 28, to join the fourth group of China volunteers in Sierra Leone who are there to combat the Ebola outbreak.
NE China opens railway line in border city
2015-06-29A new railway line for the Jilin-Tumen-Hunchun area of Jilin province underwent a trial run, on June 26, hitting the highest speed of 250 km/hr on a 361-km route, heading all the way to Hunchun city.
Airlifted Pandas arrive safely in NE China
2015-06-26A pair of pandas that Sichuan province loaned to Jilin province arrived in Changchun city, on June 25, after having travelled by air in a special cabin.