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Strong start for new development zone

By Xie Chuanjiao in Qingdao ( China Daily )

Updated: 2013-01-31

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 Strong start for new development zone

The Qingdao High-Tech Zone is a good example of a balance between industrial development and protecting the environment.

A new development zone in north Qingdao is expected to become a hub for innovation and a demonstration area for technology financing, said Chen Fei, Party chief of the zone.

After several years of planning, the Hongdao Economic Zone was founded in May 2012 as part of the coastal city's new strategy of integrating the development of three major economic zones around the Jiaozhou Bay.

Including the Qingdao National High-Tech Zone and the North Jiaozhou Bay Park, the Hongdao zone will cover more than 160 square kilometers of land. The aim of local leaders is to develop a new urban area that focuses on technology, culture and ecology.

The zone has a central focus on software and information services. It also specializes in marine biological pharmaceuticals, advanced equipment manufacturing, and science and technology services. Together, these industries form a balanced industrial structure in which technology develops in tandem with its supporting service sectors.

"Though the new zone is eager to seek investment, we have strict requirements on the quality of projects to ensure the new zone's sustainable growth," Chen said.

The Hongdao zone rejects four kinds of investments - projects that do not match the zone's strategic plan, those that harm the environment, those with low tech content and those with high energy consumption. Since 2008, Hongdao has turned down 73 such projects worth 57.9 billion yuan in capital.

Nearly 400 high-quality projects that meet requirements have been approved so far with a combined investment of 89 billion yuan. In 2012, agreements on nearly 30 large projects were signed with a total investment of 21.11 billion yuan.

Now, there are 16 major IT-related projects, including a 250-million-yuan chip plant by Zhongxing.

In the pharmaceutical industry, one of the largest projects is a 330-million-yuan stem cell facility.

Also, the area's booming automobile industry has been further bolstered by the arrival of Bosch's 380-million-yuan diesel injection system plant, a TRW Automotive Inc facility that manufactures a car safety system and an auto suspension parts plant by Alston.

Hong Kong China Merchants Group has agreed to invest $1 billion in a smart office project for software and information enterprises.

In addition, Tuspark Corp is also building a 7-billion-yuan high-tech park in the zone to provide high-quality property services for technology companies.

Beauty and quality

"Ecology and innovation are the main themes of Hongdao Economic Zone's development, and we have made and will continue to make efforts to protect the natural environment," Chen said, adding that "sustained growth will be created based on the beauty and quality of the environment we live in".

He said a 14 sq km of original wetland will be kept intact in the zone.

A comprehensive environmental protection project will be built along the Dagu River, including a 10-km levee, a sewage treatment plant and an ecology restoration project. There will also be similar projects along other rivers in the zone.

In 2012, 100,000 square meters of green land were added to the Hongdao zone.

Other projects under way also include the public transportation system and water supply and sewage treatment facilities.

Chen said the zone will develop new supporting facilities for education, healthcare, culture, entertainment and commerce.

A cultural event center and an Olympics sports center are already in the pipeline.

To offer better living conditions for those who work in the zone, 600,000 sq m of residential buildings were built in 2012.

And the zone is also planning to build more affordable housing projects in the near future.
