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McGrady finishes his first CBA season

( Xinhua )

Updated: 2013-02-22

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QINGDAO -- Former NBA star Tracy McGrady finished his first Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) season and left Qingdao on Feb 21.

McGrady left Qingdao by flight KE846 for Inchon of South Korea and then he will fly back to the United States.

About 200 fans saw him off and dozens of safeguards maintained order at the airport.

Waving to his teammates and fans, McGrady shouted: "I'll be back!"

McGrady averaged 25 points and 7.2 rebounds per game in his first CBA season though his Qingdao Eagles finished the regular season as the bottom team.

The seven-time NBA all star, who had played for Toronto Raptors, Orlando magic and Houston Rockets in NBA, joined the Qingdao Eagles of CBA in October last year.