South Korea garden

Updated: 2014-06-06

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South Korea garden

The South Korea garden, located in the international park of the 2014 Qingdao International Horticultural Exposition, is designed according to the style of the ancient courtyard of a noble Korean community. The design of the South Korea garden has been laid out geometrically, giving it a deep sense of modern beauty.

South Korea garden
The South Korea garden displays the courtyard culture of the upper class.

The South Korea garden displays the courtyard culture of the upper class. The architecture in the garden is built around South Korean local folk stories by building into the kiosk, pavilion, and lotus pond.

South Korea garden

Visitors can feel the authentic Korean natural landscape in the South Korean garden.

Kunsan, a city in South Korea, is one of Qingdao’s twinned cities. Visitors can feel the authentic Korean natural landscape in the South Korean garden. Another attraction of the South Korean garden is the Korean tracery wall, which lists South Korea’s auspicious patterns that indicate wealth, good luck and happiness.