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Qingdao establishes relations with Germany

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-10-10

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Qingdao establishes relations with Germany

The commerce bureau of the city of Qingdao, Shandong province hosted a trade and investment seminar with the Hamburg, Germany Business Development Corp, on Oct 7, Qingdao’s municipal government has announced, explaining that the Qingdao delegation signed a memorandum of understanding on an economic partnership with Hamburg.

Qingdao establishes relations with Germany

Qingdao - Hamburg economic partnership signing ceremony. [Photo/qdbofcom.gov.cn]

The move is meant to facilitate trade and investment cooperation in logistics, the marine economy, energy-saving, environmental protection, and creativity, with the two parties talking about solving registration problems of Qingdao enterprises in Hamburg, during the signing ceremony.

Qingdao establishes relations with Germany

Hamburg is the country’s second largest city and has a well developed economy and has been increasing relations with Qingdao more in recent years.