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Economic zones drive Shandong's GDP
Two special industrial zones in Shandong province have become major engines for local economic growth since the State Council approved them over a year ago.
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A huge wild Lingzhi, a rare ingredient used in Chinese traditional herbal medicine, has bloomed into the shape of a Chinese map.
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City promotes marine economy

To spur its marine sectors, the city needs more business exchanges and cooperation with overseas companies, especially global giants in the fields of marine biology, equipment manufacturing, information technology, environmental protection and ocean-based transportation, Wang said.

City promotes marine economy

In 2011, the city attracted foreign investment totaling $23.3 billion, 80 percent of which was spent to modernize its marine sectors. A large number of foreignfunded companies have become powerful engines for the development of the city's marine economy, such as South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding and Singapore's Raffl es Shipyard.

The city is looking to develop modern logistics facilities that will enable it to act as a portal to the Northeast Asian countries. A total of 55 new berths will be built in the next few years, involving an investment of 24.8 billion yuan. Th e annual throughput of its ports is projected to reach 300 million tons by 2015.

New economic zone

Leaders at the provincial and city level have prioritized the construction of a new economic zone for marine industries on the eastern coast of the city.

Covering a total area of nearly 600 sq km, the zone is expected to become a marine industry powerhouse for the entire Shandong Peninsula. It includes an advanced marine industry cluster, a national technology-transfer center and a coastal tourist resort.

By 2016, Yantai's marine sectors will generate an estimated 300 billion yuan worth of revenue and will grow annually by 20 percent.

To reach the goal, the city's authorities will continue to look for high-caliber personnel from at home and abroad through a series of preferential policies and services.

The Yantai government is also encouraging local fishing and aquaculture companies to closely cooperate with research institutions.

Wang said strict measures will be taken to balance economic development and marine environmental protection. To date, 46 projects have been implemented to restore fishery resources.

By Ju Chuanjiang and Wang Qian (China Daily Shandong Bureau)

You may contact the writers through juchuanjiang@chinadaily.com.cn


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