Shandong Culture

Professionals in literary and art circles on how to tell Chinese stories

( Updated: 2017-03-13

Professionals in literary and art circles on how to tell Chinese stories

Tengger [Photo/Xinhua]

Tengger, musician

Chinese folk music is the foundation of Chinese music, and music from ethnic groups is the quintessence of Chinese folk music. I think we should first focus on the inheritance of Chinese folk music and at the same time assist the folk music industry through policies. We should also strengthen more professionalized management of the music industry and ban vulgar content. Artists, as public figures, shoulder responsibilities to steer aesthetic tastes of the public, so we must also be in possession of high moral ethics.

Jackie Chan, actor, Vice-Chairman of China Film Association

More foreign films are entering China. This is a big challenge for us, and challenge is a good thing. Today's box office figures could not have come by without competition. Pressure pushes us filmmakers forward. China is a grand market. Chinese filmmakers should include Chinese culture in films, and at the same time show the world what Chinese culture is all about. I believe with the effort and support from 1.4 billion people, our films and traditional culture are bound to make it on the international scene.

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