
Upcoming events of The German Chamber of Commerce in Tianjin 2012-05-03
Upcoming events of The German Chamber of Commerce in Tianjin: I. Tianjin history exploring tour.
UAV production takes shape 2012-04-05
The Tianjin Special Aircraft Production Base will be capable of producing 40 CH-3 unmanned aerial vehicles a year.
France urged to invest in high-end sectors 2012-03-29
French companies are being encouraged to invest in China's high-end manufacturing industry, high-technology companies and the modern service sector as the nation pursues a more innovative, energy-efficient economic model, said a high-level official of China's top political advisory body on Wednesday.
Patents hold the key for top watchmaker Seagull 2012-03-28
Tianjin-headquartered Seagull Watch Group has again won an overseas intellectual property dispute, this time with Swiss watchmaker Omega SA during an international watch and jewelry fair in Basel, Switzerland early this month.
Vice-Premier Li focuses on water project 2012-03-22
Vice-Premier Li Keqiang urged authorities to ensure that the deadline is met to complete the South-North Water Diversion Project.
Tianjin opens new shipping lane to Sea of Japan 2012-03-21
North China's port city of Tianjin opened a new direct shipping lane to ports in the Sea of Japan on Tuesday, according to Tianjin Port Group Co Ltd.
Regional cooperation emphasized 2012-03-20
Regional cooperation between China and Japan plays an important part in better bilateral relations, diplomats and officials from both countries said on Monday.
P&G expanding in China 2012-03-16
Procter & Gamble has begun construction of one of the largest manufacturing sites in Asia, aiming to serve the fast-growing China market.
Unilever goes to Tianjin to meet world demand 2012-03-16
To meet increasing demand from emerging markets, Unilever has started construction in China of one of its largest production operations, where it will make liquid laundry detergent and fabric softeners.
Support requested for firms going overseas 2012-03-15
China should spare no effort in helping energy companies go abroad in the years ahead, despite the restrictions some countries have set on investments and possible political risks.

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