
The 2nd phase facilities of the Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone passed the pre-acceptance 2012-02-27
On December 20, 2011, Tianjin Customs accepted the 2nd phase facilities of the Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone, which are ready for the official national acceptance now.
Tianjin’s first shipping club was registered in the Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone 2012-02-27
Northern Shipping Business Club was registered in the Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone on Dec 23, 2011. It is Tianjin’s first shipping- themed membership club. The club is a platform for shipping trade enterprises to exchange information and develop business cooperation.
CNOOC Tianjin (floating) LNG project found a home in Binhai New Area 2012-02-27
njin Port Group, the Administrative Committee of Dongjiang Bonded Port and CNOOC Gas & Power Group signed an agreement for building the CNOOC Tianjin (floating) LNG project in South Port of Tianjin Port on Nov26, 2011.
Experiment in international shipping tax policies 2012-02-27
According to the notice jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation in August 2011, the: income obtained by shipping enterprises registered in Dongjiang port from international shipping business; the income obtained by storage, logistic and other service enterprises in Dongjiang port from cargo transport, storage and handling services; and the income obtained from insurance enterprises registered in Tianjin from international shipping insurance services, shall all be exempted from sales tax.
Experiment in international shipping tax policies 2012-02-27
According to the notice jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation in August 2011, the: income obtained by shipping enterprises registered in Dongjiang port from international shipping business; the income obtained by storage, logistic and other service enterprises in Dongjiang port from cargo transport, storage and handling services; and the income obtained from insurance enterprises registered in Tianjin from international shipping insurance services, shall all be exempted from sales tax.
Experiment in offshore financial business 2012-02-27
Under the precondition of strict risk control, the commercial banks which have carried out offshore banking business are allowed to set up organizations in the Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone to service the enterprises registered in the zone. The enterprises with the demand of offshore business are allowed to open offshore accounts. Commercial banks are supported for the financing.
Master plan 2012-02-27
Tianjin port is comprised of four port areas: Beijiang port, Nanjiang port, Dongjiang port and Haihe River port.
Explanation on preferential policies 2012-02-27
Tianjin Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone enjoys the following six preferential tax policies:
GDP slower but healthier 2012-02-24
With one single exception, all the country's provincial-level administrative units - provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under the direct jurisdiction of the State Council - have chosen not to pursue higher GDP growth in 2012.
China Telecom to offer iPhone 4S 2012-02-22
BEIJING - China Telecom Corp Ltd, China's smallest telecom carrier by subscriber numbers, will sell Apple Inc's iPhone 4S from March 9.

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