Yunnan Cultural Industry Expo features Jiangchuan bronze

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Updated: 2014-08-04

During the Yunnan Cultural Industry Expo on Aug 9-14, more than 1,100 pieces of Jiangchuan's delicate bronzeware will be displayed alongside other works of art. The exhibited works will include handmade bronze cookware, mottled copper and black copper silver.

Handmade bronze cookware is a popular Yunnan bronze product. Local people prefer to use this cookware to make fish stew and potato rice stew.

Jiangchuan bronzes' manufacturing technique is complicated. "Every bronzeware undergoes at least 11 manufacturing processes," said Yang Shaohua, director at Jiangchuan's bronze factory. Yang Shaohua will bring more than 60 pieces of bronze artworks to the exposition, which will include an imitation of the Tiger Fighting Oxen Table (a bronze sacrifice during the Warring States Period).

Yunnan Cultural Industry Expo features Jiangchuan bronze
Imitation of the Tiger Fighting Oxen Table [Photo/China Daily]


Yunnan Cultural Industry Expo features Jiangchuan bronze
Potato rice stew with handmade bronze cookware [Photo/China Daily]

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