Jianshui Ceramics: An embodiment of Yunnan's ceramic art

By Ge Jieru ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-03-30

Jianshui Ceramics: An embodiment of Yunnan's ceramic art

Ceramic art work by Guo You [Photo/Yunnan.cn]

Jianshui Ceramics: An embodiment of Yunnan's ceramic art

Guo You (L) and a professor from China Central Academy of Fine Arts (R) review a ceramic art work [Photo/Yunnan.cn]

Jianshui Ceramics: An embodiment of Yunnan's ceramic art

A ceramic art work by Yunnan artist, Li Ping [Photo/Yunnan.cn]

Jianshui Ceramics: An embodiment of Yunnan's ceramic art

A ceramic art work by Yunnan artist, Yang Zhengguo [Photo/Yunnnan.cn]

Historical origin of Jianshui Pottery

Located in the central part of Yunnan province, Jianshui county is rich in history and cultural heritage. It used to be the educational center of the province and is one of the regions of Yunnan strongly influenced by Confucian culture.

Excavation results show that the history of pottery-making in Jianshui dates back 3,500 years. Records also show that during the Song (AD 420-479) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties, Jianshui was the center of pottery-making in Yunnan. Originating during the mid-late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Jianshui’s purple pottery began to take an honorable position and became one the four most famous potteries in China.

Interestingly, the first piece of purple pottery to be found was a pipe for untreated opium, which was imported into China after 1840. In 2008, Jianshui Purple Pottery was listed as a National Intangible Cultural Heritage and a Protected Geographical Indication.

Local cultural enterprise

Sifangshan Culture Company, a local pottery enterprise in Yunnan, not only puts its focus on pottery production but also in constructing a pottery platform. The company has been working on a pottery culture platform to enhance pottery culture communication. The culture platform has attracted world and domestic pottery collecting experts, scholars and pottery culture lovers.

Edited by Jacob Hooson

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