International products available in Yunnan's cultural expo

By Qiu Guizhen ( )

Updated: 2016-08-05

The 2016 Yunnan Cultural Industry Expo will open an international pavilion in the No 1 hall.

The pavilion will set up 234 exhibition booths with an area of 4,760 square meters. It intends to enhance cultural industries' communication among Yunnan and countries from South and Southeast Asia. The expo's sponsor said 13 countries and regions of the “Belt and Road Initiative” area including Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos and Taiwan planned to join the exhibition.

The displays from Thailand, South Korea and Vietnam will be organized by their governments' cultural departments to ensure their products' competitiveness.

About 200 companies will showcase products with exotic features in the pavilion. A variety of goods, including Malaysia's coffee and tin articles, Laos's rosewood, Thailand's latex products, Vietnam's eaglewood and Myanmar's jade and amber will be on sale.

Visitors will be able to buy those products on site instead of through purchasing agents.

Edited by Peter Nordinger


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