Yunnan media tour attracts more than 110 million page views

Updated: 2016-08-30

A media tour designed to capture the beauty of Yunnan province, Southwest China has enjoyed extraordinary popularity among China's netizens.

Reporters from 27 major media titles attended the tour, which ran from Aug 22 to 27. The group visited cities and counties across Yunnan, with coverage mainly focusing on issues concerning rural tourism, poverty relief, national cultural heritage protection and innovation.

Between them, the journalists published nearly 500 live updates and more than 1,200 photos, as well as 12 special editions during the tour. The coverage found a huge audience among China's netizens, with the updates attracting a total of 110 million page views over the course of the tour, according to Harbin Daily.

Officials from Yunnan hope that the tour will not only provide a boost to the province's tourism industry, but also stimulate people's sense of local pride.

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