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Looking ahead

(China Daily) Updated: 2017-06-03 06:49

Events and stories coming up in the next few days

2017 World Transport Convention begins

The 2017 World Transport Convention will run in Beijing from Saturday to Tuesday. An international transportation union to promote the Belt and Road Initiative will be discussed at the meeting. A forum, an academic symposium, an expo and a bridge-design contest will be part of the event. Ten leaders of international organizations, 25 academicians and 200 representatives from more than 40 countries will attend the convention.

World Environment Day to be celebrated internationally

World Environment Day will be marked on Monday. It was initiated by the United Nations Environment Programme in 1974. The theme for 2017 is Connecting People to Nature, and the UNEP urges people to get outdoors and into nature to appreciate its beauty and think about how we are part of nature and intimately depend on it. Canada is this year's global host country, where the official celebrations take place. In China, a series of events will promote awareness about protecting nature.

All set for UEFA final

Spanish soccer club Real Madrid will play Italy's Juventus in the final of the UEFA Champions League 2017 at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium early on Sunday. The final will be the 19th time that the two teams have played against each other in European competitions.

NCPA to stage three-act opera by Strauss

Looking ahead

The National Center for the Performing Arts' production of the three-act The Knight of the Rose by Richard Strauss will be staged at its opera house from Wednesday to June 10. The NCPA Chorus and Orchestra will present the show about aristocrats in 18th-century Vienna with a talented international team.

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