China / Top Stories


[2020-01-20 00:00]

Nearly 20 years ago, young musicians in 30 Chinese rock bands performed at the Midi School of Music in Shangdi, in northern Beijing's Haidian district. The school, founded in 1993, was China's first school of contemporary music.

New Year cheer soars for Tibetans lifted from poverty

[2020-01-20 00:00]

In the days leading up to the twoweek-long Sonam Losar New Year Festival, which starts on Friday, residents of Shigatse, in the Tibet autonomous region, are busy shopping at the New Year goods market, enjoying the better life made possible by government programs.

17 new cases in pneumonia viral outbreak

[2020-01-20 00:00]

Authorities in Wuhan, Hubei province, reported 17 new cases of pneumonia caused by a new strain of coronavirus on Sunday, with three of the patients in serious condition, prompting the city to expand testing and heighten monitoring in public spaces.

Myanmar visit highlights friendship, BRI synergy

[2020-01-20 00:00]

President Xi Jinping's just-concluded state visit to Myanmar has cemented the ties between the two neighboring countries, and officials and experts have hailed the visit as "historic" and "a landmark" in their ties.

Several economic indicators signal positive outlook

[2020-01-20 00:00]

China's economy has shown positive changes in production, consumption, market expectations and prices, indicating that the world's second-largest economy is stable and resilient in the face of headwinds and is laying a solid foundation to counter downward pressure, officials and experts said.

Performers who made their mark last year

[2020-01-20 00:00]

One of the few Chinese singer-songwriters who manages to be both popular and keep a low profile.

Xi's vision of shared future still resonates

[2020-01-20 00:00]

President Xi Jinping's call for building a community with a shared future for mankind continues to resonate with the world, as global politicians and business heavyweights gather in Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting this month to brainstorm how to build a "cohesive and

China, Vietnam leaders share greetings in call

[2020-01-17 00:00]

China and Vietnam should continue to build mutual political trust, maintain their traditional friendship and resolve their differences properly, President Xi Jinping said on Thursday.

Documentary about country makes big impression

[2020-01-17 00:00]

The Myanmar version of China: Time of Xi, a documentary about China's governance, was introduced on Thursday in Yangon ahead of President Xi Jinping's state visit to the country.

Phase-one deal accelerates opening-up of financial service sector

[2020-01-17 00:00]

China and the United States pledged in their phase-one trade agreement on Wednesday to accelerate two-way opening of the financial service sector and expand market access for each other's companies-a move that is mutually beneficial and in line with China's objectives, analysts said on Thursday.

Wuhan in all-out effort to curb outbreak of virus

[2020-01-17 00:00]

Authorities in Wuhan, Hubei province, have intensified efforts to prevent the spread of a virus that has caused a pneumonia outbreak in the city, resulting in one death so far.


[2020-01-17 00:00]

Two years after he retired in 2014, Zhu Xianwen became a wetland protection consultant in a coastal township of Jiangsu province.

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