China / Top Stories

Cost-effective divorce can empower women

[2017-03-08 07:32]

March 8 is International Women's Day, and this year's theme is "Be Bold for Change".

This Day, That Year

[2017-03-08 07:32]

Item from March 8, 1995, in China Daily: Labor Minister Li Boyong (right) vowed to hold the country's urban unemployment rate below 3 percent by launching a series of programs to address the surplus labor in the cities.

Overcapacity cuts called crucial job

[2017-03-07 07:56]

China will further reduce excessive steel and coal production capacity and extend capacity cutting efforts to energy sectors this year, a senior official with the nation's top economic planning body said on Monday.

Xi welcomes longtime royal friends

[2017-03-07 07:56]

China and Cambodia should push their cooperation forward on major projects, President Xi Jinping said on Monday while meeting with visiting Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and Queen Mother Norodom Monineath.

Beijing opposes missile launches by DPRK

[2017-03-07 07:56]

Beijing reiterated its opposition to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's missile launches and called for parties involved in the Korean Peninsula issue to "practice restraint".

Ningxia a leader in Arab economic links

[2017-03-07 07:56]

The Belt and Road Initiative has made the landlocked Ningxia Hui autonomous region the frontier for opening-up and taking the lead in economic cooperation with Arab and other majority-Muslim countries, the region's top official said.

China to develop satellite-delivery rockets released from airplanes

[2017-03-07 07:56]

China will develop a new generation of rockets launched from aircraft that can put satellites into space, according to Li Tongyu, the head of carrier rocket development at the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology.

Lanterns give light and hope to the world

[2017-03-07 07:56]

During the evening of the Lantern Festival, on Feb 11, I took a flight from Beijing back to my parents' home in Tennessee. That's the last night fireworks are used to celebrate Lunar New Year. It was an astonishingly clear, smog-free and cloudless winter's day in Beijing.

This Day, That Year

[2017-03-07 07:56]

Item from March 7, 1999, in China Daily: Consumers look at imported household goods at the Beijing outlet of Swedish furniture giant Ikea.

'Realistic' growth target set at about 6.5 percent

[2017-03-06 07:55]

Premier Li Keqiang said on Sunday that China is setting a "realistic" economic growth target of "around 6.5 percent" of GDP, while the nation will "try to achieve better results".

Xi Calls On Shanghai To Lead Way

[2017-03-06 07:55]

President Xi Jinping said China will continue to open up in all respects, particularly in further liberalizing and facilitating trade and investment, while calling on Sunday for Shanghai to take a leading role in deepening reform and boosting innovation.

Looking ahead

[2017-03-06 07:55]

Events and stories coming up in the next few days
