China / Top Stories

Harness AI to help tackle tough issues, says Baidu's Li

[2017-03-04 13:15]

Artificial intelligence-enabled technologies should be boosted and used to address such thorny issues as tracking lost children and easing traffic congestion, Robin Li, chairman and CEO of leading Chinese search engine Baidu, said on Friday.

Asteroid mission planned by 2025

[2017-03-04 13:15]

China plans to conduct at least one asteroid exploration mission before 2025, a senior space scientist said on Friday.

Chinese schools ushering in winter sports

[2017-03-04 13:15]

Guan Zizhao and some other students of the Zhongguancun No 2 Primary School were practicing ice hockey at Beijing's Wukesong sports complex on Feb 24 when they saw President Xi Jinping walking into the rink. The children ran toward him excitedly.

A moment in time: Cycles of cycling

[2017-03-04 13:15]

Over the past year, bicycle-sharing schemes (above) in many cities have brought tremendous change to public transport. With the new notion "riding wherever and whenever", Chinese cities are filled with colorful bikes, which have become part of their landscape.

New policy opposes web hegemony

[2017-03-02 07:22]

China firmly opposes any country using the internet to interfere in other countries' internal affairs, according to the country's first strategic report on cyberspace, released on Wednesday.

Xi's political economy renews modernization drive

[2017-03-02 07:22]

More than four years after he promised a great renewal of the Chinese nation - while ensuring that the country stands tall in the world and the Communist Party of China conducts its affairs with strict discipline - President Xi Jinping's insights into the country's political and economic development are revitalizing the national modernization drive.

THAAD decision starts to hurt ROK

[2017-03-02 07:22]

Beijing demanded on Wednesday that Seoul reverse course on the planned deployment of an advanced US anti-missile system to "avoid more serious negative impacts".

Document that changed the world turns 45

[2017-03-02 07:22]

A document issued 45 years ago will continue to play an important role in guiding China-US relations and communications, and even help reconcile conflicts between the world's two biggest economic powers, according to those attending a ceremony on Tuesday in California.

New Development Bank aims to double loans

[2017-03-02 07:22]

The New Development Bank, a multilateral institution established by BRICS countries, hopes to nearly double its 2016 lending this year in an expansion that is forecast to range from $2.5 billion to $3 billion, according to K.V. Kamath, the bank's president.

Rice study - Take it with a grain of salt

[2017-03-02 07:22]

A sensational study released last month in the United Kingdom has left people scratching their heads for answers (and poking fun at the researcher).

This Day, That Year

[2017-03-02 07:22]

Item from March 2, 1995, in China Daily: More than 1,400 families have received the keys to new apartments in Fengtai district, Beijing, in the capital's efforts to ease the severe housing shortage among middle - and low-income families. ...

Yang, Tillerson reaffirm need for constructive ties

[2017-03-02 07:22]

State Councilor Yang Jiechi and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reaffirmed on Tuesday the importance of a constructive bilateral relationship between their two countries and agreed to further develop ties.
