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(China Daily) Updated: 2017-06-17 07:13

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World: UK general election and how it got here


Eating her own words that she would not call an early election after taking office last year, UK Prime Minister Theresa May's decision to hold a snap election on June 8 took the country by surprise. British governments generally last for five years, and the Conservative Party's administration - then led by May's predecessor David Cameron - was elected in 2015. The next election was not due to take place until May 2020.

China: The evolution of Hong Kong culture


Hong Kong, once nicknamed China's "cultural desert", has risen to become a significant cradle of Asian culture over the past four decades. Elements of traditional Chinese culture combining Western influences have shaped Hong Kong in different facets of lifestyle, spanning from the music available to TV dramas, films, books, food and simple aesthetics.

Economy: Top 10 regions with highest minimum wage


Over the past several months, seven provincial-level regions have increased their minimum wage. Tianjin will have the second-highest minimum wage in China, as the city earlier pledged to raise it from 1,950 yuan ($286.89) each month to 2,050 yuan, starting from July. Shanghai is at the top with 2,300 yuan per month.

Society: Father and daughter run for challenge

When 7-year-old Tian Songran crossed the finish line in the 10-kilometer run of the 2016 Jeju Marathon, soaking wet in a light drizzle, hand in hand with her father, she did not feel special, despite being one of the youngest runners among thousands of participants. But her father, Tian Tongsheng, who has finished more than 70 full and ultra-marathons, did worry before his daughter's first race, when his careful planning was disrupted by unexpected wet weather.

Culture: Miao people in costume welcome experts


Locals in traditional costume welcomed experts and scholars taking part in the Conference for the Revival of Chinese Villages in Taijiang county, Southwest China's Guizhou province, on Friday. The visiting professionals from home and abroad are set to explore examples of rural construction around the world. The conference, which continues through June 18, was designed to focus on homestay, cultural innovation and poverty relief.

Buzzword: Low-battery anxiety

"Low-battery anxiety" describes the condition where people panic and get annoyed when their phone battery is dangerously close to the 20 percent mark. When faced with only a few minutes of power, half of smartphone users will use the remaining time to text, while 35 percent will use their last moments to make a phone call.

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