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World stage feels impact of Governance

(China Daily) Updated: 2017-06-27 07:02

A book on governance written by President Xi Jinping marked the 1,000-day anniversary of its debut over the weekend, setting a record in China's publication history dating back 40 years with over 6.25 million copies in 22 languages already in print worldwide.

The book, Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, has attracted readers worldwide.

A selection of 79 chapters of speeches and notes made by Xi from his election as general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee in 2012 to June 2014, the book is known for being a "window" to the Chinese leadership and a "key" to China's development success.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen requested a digital version to read on his cellphone; Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha recommended it to Cabinet members.

Russian scholar Yuri Tavrovsky introduced Xi's innovative reform measures to Russian readers in a recent book, and Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg not only has one for himself but has bought more for his colleagues so that they would "understand Socialism with Chinese characteristics".

Though nearly three years have passed since the book's launch, demand for local language versions are growing.

A dozen of the existing 22 language editions were released at the request of foreign countries, and by the end of 2018 another 13 language versions are expected to be added, said Xu Bu, president of Foreign Languages Press, the book's publisher.

"Xi's thoughts are focused on the fundamental problems occurring during China's transition from a big country to a strong country, and his governance practice is aimed at accomplishing the historic tasks that come with this period," said Han Qingxiang, a professor of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

In the past five years, thanks to its strong determination and effective execution, China has lifted over 60 million people out of poverty, created 64 million new jobs in urban areas, universalized nine-year tuition-free compulsory education and established the world's biggest healthcare and social security system.

Earlier this month, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development expressed confidence in separate reports in China's economic outlook, which was also a vote of confidence in China's economic reform.

Impressed by the success of the Chinese path, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his foreword for the Uzbek edition, said Xi's book offers important inspiration and guidance on governing a country, developing a market economy that fits national features, and protecting public interests.

French author Sonia Bressler first read the book two years ago and was fascinated by Xi's thoughts on "peaceful development". Having recently reread the work, she commented that China's aim for "mutually beneficial cooperation" is just as relevant to today's world as ever.


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