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(China Daily) Updated: 2017-08-15 09:21

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People: Teachers sent to aid Tibet boost local education

For the past 35 years, Jiang Yiming of the Shanghai Sanlin High School has been dreaming about being part of an education aid program. Jiang was one of 40 teachers dispatched by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to the Tibet autonomous region on Aug 1 to support local education. It is the second group of teachers sent to Tibet since June last year. Jiang has been sent to the Shanghai Experimental School in Xigaze city for a one-year exchange program and will teach math.

Ranking: Top 10 tourist destinations for graduates

Xiamen, Fujian province, is China's most popular destination for graduates to visit this year, according to a ranking list released by biaozhun007, an evaluation institute, and travel platform Mafengwo. Xi'an, Shaanxi province, and Sanya, Hainan province, ranked second and third respectively. The list is based on popularity for graduates, number of hostels and scenic spots.

Culture: Exhibition on Emperor Qianlong opens at West Lake

An exhibit, Son of Heaven in the Heyday: Exhibition of the Qianlong Emperor in Qing Dynasty opened at the West Lake Gallery in the Zhejiang Provincial Museum in Hangzhou last week. It will last for three months. Among the exhibits, 168 pieces are from the Palace Museum in Beijing, and the rest from Zhejiang museum. Ranging from the Qianlong Emperor's (1711-99) imperial robes and items for daily use, to his paintings and calligraphy, the display narrates the colorful life of the emperor. Emperor Qianlong was the longest reigning emperor in China's history, reigning during the 1736-96 period.

Lifestyle: Healthy eating trending among youngsters

Still obsessed with China's many, diverse cuisines? That may not be the case for Chinese youngsters anymore, as healthy eating has become the norm for them. Following the trend, an increasing number of light food restaurants have created a buzz in many cities. Rich in protein and vitamins, low in calories and carbohydrates... that's how these light food restaurants are trying to woo diners. By choosing exotic and trendy food like avocados, and embellishing them with some condiments, these restaurants turn healthy dishes into a tool for socializing.

Entertainment: Spider-Man spin-off will be shown in 2019

Sony just announced the release date for the Spider-Man spin-of

f Silver and Black will be Feb 8, 2019. The new female-led superhero film directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood, will center around comic book heroes Black Cat and Silver Sable. Earlier this year, Sony had set the date for Tom Hardy's Venom, which will hit the screens on Oct 5 next year. Black Cat and Silver Sable are two heroes that commonly show up in Spider-Man's world.

Buzzword: E-thrombosis

E-thrombosis refers to the formation of blood clots caused by sitting at a computer for prolonged periods. Spending all day at your desk and most of the evening in front of a computer can impair your health, doctors warned.

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