China / China

Spacecraft completes in-orbit refueling

[2017-06-16 07:57]

The Tianzhou 1 cargo spacecraft has carried out its second in-orbit operation to deliver fuel to the Tiangong II space laboratory, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

Patients to be seen by doctors from US

[2017-06-16 07:57]

Chinese patients will have a chance to receive US-style medical care as part of a training project for international family physicians, Beijing News reported on Thursday.


[2017-06-16 07:57]

Soccer project looks to net school students

[2017-06-15 07:35]

Zhuo Yi loves kicking a beverage can around the rural neighborhood near his home, pretending he is dribbling a soccer ball past defenders one after another. It's been the sixth-grader's favorite outdoor activity since he first watched a televised game by chance at a village grocery store in 2013.

The girl with the world at her feet

[2017-06-15 07:35]

Never in her wildest dreams did Liu Zhai imagine that participating in soccer training would change her life and take her so far from home.

Volunteer inspires village children to higher goals

[2017-06-15 07:35]

A poverty-relief volunteer's love of soccer has inspired some of the poorest children in the country to dream big.

Innovation strategy gets zone boost

[2017-06-15 07:35]

New innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration zones will be established to expand the innovation strategy to wider areas and industries.

Delivery data and school food are key topics

[2017-06-15 07:35]

Departments and ministries under the State Council, China's Cabinet, have responded to a series of public concerns in the past week, including express delivery data sharing, tax and administrative fees, school food safety, rural collective property rights and chemical accidents.

Policy digest

[2017-06-15 07:35]

The General Office of the State Council issued the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) for rejuvenating border areas and boosting the livelihoods of residents. It has introduced measures to further help border areas prosper comprehensively. The plan stresses that the central government will give priority to supporting reform and innovation in the border areas and accelerating these regions' development, and will further provide preferential policies to the border areas.

Taiwan's HK 'collusion' draws rebuke

[2017-06-15 07:35]

A spokesman for the Chinese mainland expressed strong opposition on Wednesday to what he said was an attempt by separatists to disturb Hong Kong Speical Administrative Region's stability and prosperity.

Retraction of medical papers reviewed

[2017-06-15 07:35]

An international medical journal's retraction of 107 papers by Chinese medical researchers has severely harmed the reputation and integrity of the country's scientific community and revealed a flawed oversight system, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Authorities detain 30 meth smuggling suspects

[2017-06-15 07:35]

Police and customs officers from Guangdong province have detained 30 suspects in three drug smuggling cases since April in cooperation with Indonesia and Malaysia.
