A legend in the world of French cinematic animation, 76-year-old auteur Michel Ocelot recently visited China with his latest directorial outing, Dilili in Paris, winner of the best animated film at the 2019 Cesar Awards-the French equivalent of the Oscars.
Late sculptor Liu Shiming left an oeuvre that may seem quite unrefined and rustic to those whose tastes are sophisticated and are perhaps used to seeing a lot of polished and perfect pieces.
GUIYANG-Having given up making traditional Dong cloth for nearly 20 years, Wang Yangying, 76, is considering returning to her old job, after being inspired by a group of young ethnic Dong people.
Editor's note: This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China.
The Royal Institute of British Architects is laying solid foundations in China as it plans to open an office in Shanghai soon, its first on the mainland, and seeks to build up cooperation and construct greater educational structures.
Editor's note: This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China.
I discovered something in Beijing recently that truly is, as the expression goes, my cup of tea.
The end of the year is a time to reflect on what has gone and been done. In the spirit of the season, the British Council acknowledges achievements by graduates who studied in the United Kingdom.