Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Cooperate for better future

By Zhou Wen (China Daily) Updated: 2011-06-27 07:56

China and the EU find convergence in their growth strategies, too. China's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) is designed, among others, to expedite the transformation of China's economic development pattern and the strategic adjustment of its economic structure. The "Europe 2020" growth strategy aims to advance structural reform and achieve sustainable growth for the EU. The two have similar development concepts with emphasis on scientific and technological progress, research and innovation, and making life better for the people.

Citizens in the EU today realize that the force binding China and the EU is much stronger than the force dividing them, and reflects their similar interests and ideas.

This strong binding force is partly attributed to years of persistent efforts by China to promote cooperation and comprehensive relations with Europe. China believes that it is an all-round relationship covering political, economic, cultural, and many other fields.

China is buying government bonds of some EU countries when the eurozone is still passing through a period of great difficulties, something that many of the EU's allies have found hard to do. Though China's is primarily an economic action, it can also be seen as a confidence vote in the future of the EU. By advocating mutual respect, mutual trust and proper handling of differences, China has focused on minimizing and ultimately overcoming the divisive force, and thus strengthening the force for cooperation.

In the process of tackling the global financial crisis, Chinese and European leaders have exchanged frequent visits, coordinated closely and demonstrated the spirit of cooperation in times of hardship.

The ongoing visit of Premier Wen Jiabao to Hungary, the United Kingdom and Germany is his fourth to Europe since 2008 and yet another signal from China to strengthen cooperation with the EU.

The EU needs to move beyond its paradoxical approach and work jointly with China to deepen cooperation and reduce differences. It is time for the EU and China to transcend their differences and build consensus.

The author is a Beijing-based scholar of European studies.

(China Daily 06/27/2011 page8)

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