Opinion / Web Comments

Sino-Arab friendship strengthens over the years

By Qi Li (chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2012-06-01 10:21

Highly beneficial and complementary economic cooperation

Economic cooperation has been outstanding and dynamic in China-Arab relations. Their respective comparative strengths have made them close trade partners and have achieved tangible benefits for both sides. Over the past decade, according to Chinese estimates, bilateral trade has been growing at an average annual rate of over 30 percent. China has now become one of the world's major oil consumers and many Arab countries happen to be the world's major suppliers. In addition to trade and energy, cooperation in investment, finance, infrastructure, tourism, agriculture and human resources is also gaining momentum.

The Chinese government has encouraged competitive Chinese companies to invest in big projects in the Arab countries in the fields of energy, communications and infrastructure etc. During the visit of Premier Wen Jiabao to the United Arab Emirates in January, a currency swap agreement with a total value of RMB 35 billion was reached between the two countries, marking a significant step forward in financial cooperation.

Against the backdrop of globalization and in the wake of both sides' speedy economic development, China and the Gulf Cooperation Council had launched Free Trade Agreement negotiations, which have now reached their final stage. Once the agreement is signed, it will be a milestone for China-GCC economic relations, and China-Arab relations in general.

Sharing the common goal of achieving economic development and prosperity and faced with the same international economic environment and challenges, the two sides have also agreed to coordinate with each other in the international economic and trade arena, to jointly push for a fair trade regime and economic world order that not only benefit the developed world, but also the common interests of developing countries including China and the Arab states.

Similarity in culture and experiences

The Chinese and Arab civilizations both have contributed tremendously to the progress of humankind. The Arab people were pioneers in sciences like mathematics, philosophy and astronomy, while the Chinese people invented paper, printing, gunpowder and the compass. Islam, of which most Arabs are believers, advocates peace and faith, and the pursuit of knowledge, with a very famous saying by the Prophet Mohammed some 1,400 years ago that says "seek knowledge even if you have to go to China", while Chinese traditional values hold in esteem harmony, respect and constant learning, and self-improvement.

China has a Muslim population of almost 20 million, and they live side by side with other Chinese citizens like brothers and sisters, in love and tranquility. A mechanism of "civilization dialogue" had been set up between China and the Arab League and four rounds of dialogue have been held. Chinese culture centers and Confucius Institutes are flourishing in Arab countries while Arabian art and literature have been actively introduced to the Chinese audience. UAE Vice-President Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum expressed his appreciation for the characters of the Chinese people and wrote on his micro-blog that his country would make the forging of close ties with China a matter of priority.

China and the Arab states also have similar historical experiences, as they both experienced bullying and suffering in the last few centuries. Since the 1950s, China and Arab countries had stood hand in hand on the same front in the struggles for their independence and sovereignty. They have supported each other just like faithful friends do. There are no unsettled historic issues or disputes between the two sides but rather strong bonds and warm memories.

The Chinese people will never forget the generous support and assistance rendered to them by the brotherly Arab countries in the aftermath of the disastrous Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 where they had shown compassion and solidarity with the Chinese people and inspired them in times of hardship.

New challenges and new horizons

Now the Arab world is undergoing major political and social changes. The situation in that region is both complicated and sensitive. As long-time friends, the Chinese people would like to see the Arab people realize their aspirations while maintaining stability and social and economic well-being. To that end, China has worked vigorously and steadfastly with the Arab countries and other international players including the UN to deal properly with the fast-evolving situation, in order to prevent the Arab countries from slipping into turmoil and to best protect the interests of the Arab people.

As developing countries, China and the Arab countries all have the arduous task of dealing with the global financial crisis that has badly damaged the world economy. The two sides need to intensify consultation and coordination in order to join forces and be more prepared in facing challenges.

The Fifth Ministerial Meeting of the CASCF in Tunisia on May 31 could not have come at a better time. This is a good opportunity for China and the Arab countries to engage in high level and in-depth exchanges of views on ways to consolidate and strengthen their strategic partnership and make new headway in the new and challenging era. Like Premier Wen Jiabao said in his speech during his visit to the UAE, "We should enhance win-win cooperation, uphold peace and build a stable, harmonious and happy world through joint efforts." Yes, the people on both sides have good reasons to have high hopes and expectations for China-Arab cooperation.

The author is a Beijing-based researcher on international relations

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